Monday, March 26, 2007

why spring cleaning is a good idea

I wrote a post last week about Spring Cleaning. After following my own advice and tackling boxes and bags of clothes and other miscellaneous items that seemed to just be hanging out, I not only have more space and less clutter, I have removed some past fashion mistakes.

Not in any particular order, here are a few no-no's that went bye-bye.

High Rise pants. These don't stop at your belly button, they actually cover it and hit the smallest part of your torso just under your ribcage. I found a few pairs and thought, "high rise is making a comeback, let's see just see what they look like". The good news is that they still fit. The bad news is that they not only look hideous but they are so uncomfortable I can't believe I once wore pants like this for 12 hours a day.

Tops that stop at your hips. The surefire way to emphasize the widest part of your body. And leaving these tops untucked with those high rise pants certainly couldn't have been a very good look.

Crop tops. These definitely only worked with the high rise pants. I haven't worn these in at least seven years (hopefully longer). The fact that I moved a few times and just couldn't part with these is just silly.

This was a case when I had no problem getting rid of a fashion faux pas, or three. I couldn't get to Goodwill quick enough.

What fashion mistakes are you hiding?


Jim said...

Since I have been cleaning out closets for the past year I have found alot of funny clothes.

Big frankenstein platform shoes.

Peter Frampton wide legs jeans.

Shiny, stretchy shirts that look like wearable aluminum.

Jelly roll shoes (seriously!)

Parachute pants (original!)

I know college kids somewhere are picking these items up at Salvation Army for 80's night!