Friday, June 15, 2007

remember to look down

Summer officially arrives in the Northern Hemisphere next week.

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind every one to look at their feet, especially their toes, when choosing their shoes for the day. No matter how tempting, if you look at your toes and wouldn't want anyone else to look at them, DO NOT wear open toe shoes.

Here are a few guidelines for summer toes:

You do not have to have the perfect pedicure day after day to show off your toes. You do need to cover up (better yet, remove) chipped nail polish.

You don't need to wear toe nail polish. You do need clean, filed toenails.

Use a pumice stone on your feet at least three times a week.

Know when to call in a professional. If you are completely helpless when it comes to your feet, get a pedicure and watch what the technician does.

Feel free to pass this information along to any "known offenders".


Anonymous said...

I tried to leave this comment before, but I think I'm having technical difficulties. Anyhow, forgive if you get it twice:

What I said was, "As long as you're looking down, be sure to check out your Nether-lands. Which is where I initially thought this post was going! Before you don a swimsuit make sure there aren't any scragglies at the 'Y'."