I was reading my Packing for Travel post from last week and thought of a few other pieces of information that are worth mentioning.
Staying with family or friends? Pack less and do laundry. Instead of packing four black t-shirts, pack two then wash them when they're dirty. You can also hand wash easy stuff before going to sleep (workout gear, tank tops, socks, etc.) and let air dry overnight.
Try on the out of season clothing you want to pack. If you live in Chicago and are going to the Caribbean in February, don't just throw your bathing suit in your luggage. Try it on to make sure it still fits properly and it isn't showing signs of too much wear.
If you must check a bag, pack a change of clothes, including underwear and socks, in your carry-on bag. Don't check items you'll need in the next 24 hours (medication and makeup come to mind).
Okay, now that you have some (more) diva tips for packing, go plan that trip.
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