No matter how much you know, it never hurts to listen to an expert. You just might learn a thing or two. Or in my case, learn and purchase a thing or two.
My recent haircut meant I needed new hair styling products.
But how does a diva decide what products are right for her new haircut?
By trusting the expert.
That's how I ended up with two great new products. My new favorite product is Goldwell's Crystal Turn. It's in a category I had never heard before, gel wax. The consistency is denser than your usual styling gel and slightly tacky to the touch.
I like it because it works magic on my new haircut. It provides volume and brings out my hairs new "piecey" effect without weighing it down. This is a product I never would have guessed would work on my hair if someone didn't show me how it works.
I also purchased Goldwell's Big Finish hairspray. This was big for me, I haven't used hairspray in 15+ years. I took the plunge on this hairspray because when my hairdresser used it on my hair I got hold without stiffness or stickiness.
diva lesson: Listen to your hairdresser when you are at the salon. If he or she uses a product and you like the results, buy it then and there. Don't try to make do with what you have at home or tell yourself you'll buy something similar in the drugstore.
Just trust the expert!